Sunday 3 April 2011

Walk a while with me

I know that time is short,
I know the burden grows.
I know I've got to move,
On strange and darkened roads.
But is it too much to ask from you,
To walk along with me?

Don't carry my burden
Just walk along with me.
So that I forget for a while I carry it,
and my heart seems a little free.
Is it too much to ask from you,
To walk along with me?
So that when I get tired and want to wait a while,
I might have you smile at me.
And somehow may get a chance,
To smile like I never saw pain,never felt defeated.
If only for a while let me smile,
Just walk a while with me...

1 comment:

Rashpreet Kaur said...

Awesome Shilpa!! I guess we all wish for someone to walk along with us, but only few are lucky enough to have someone like that in their lives...most of us have to walk our walk alone...anyway, lovely poem!